They come from Germany. There’s two of them. Occasionally, they might drink gin with a little bit of tonic. What other name could they possibly think of that might not be blazingly obvious?

Thus, Twotonic was born.
Twotonic is the award winning duet of Katy Dröge-Macdonald and Steve Macdonald. We sing mostly music by others, and some original music that we create. We thoroughly enjoy singing with each other and hope to share this joy with our audience.
Our debut album, Rowan & Storm, was released on October 25th, 2014, just in time for the Ohio Valley Filk Festival (OVFF) in Ohio, USA!
We are continuously performing at filk conventions throughout Germany, the UK and North America – check out our News page for plans and schedules. You can also look at our Facebook page to see what we are up to, or watch some videos on our YouTube channel.